Winning 2020

A few observations regarding the approach to winning the 2020 election.  The 2020 election will define the course of America’s democracy for the following decade. It will define redistricting, the Supreme Court, lower level federal courts, operation of governmental functions/departments, immigration, social programs, environment, international relations, health care, voter rights, weapon management, just to mention a few.  It is essential to structure the next two years in order to change the presidency, take control of Congress, and develop a strong state government presence.

Let’s first speak to the presidency.  I believe it would be a terrible mistake to have a field of some two dozen candidates running against the current president. My suggestion is to have two or three candidates run for the presidency who have appropriate managerial qualifications and international recognition/standing.  They also should agree to the condition to serve only one term to correct the failings of the current administration as an operational caretaker, and to develop a body of qualified successors.  Others who have the passion to serve, should consider serving in the administration’s cabinet or as appointees to key operational positions in order to help to restore the functions of our government.

Congressional presidential investigations should be subordinated to higher priority legislative efforts.  The current administration will engage in multiple campaign distractions which should be ignored. The administration are masters of distraction, and once pulled into their game, the competing candidates lose because it is the administration’s field, their game, and their rules.  It is best is to avoid the situation by not taking the bait.  

The next underlying principle for a successful 2020 election program during these next two years is to develop and implement what should be classified as “win, win, win” legislative strategies.  In conjunction with that concept is building a Congressional team that accepts and works collectively on a set of defined prioritized goals.  The objectives of the 2020 election period should be to develop and pass major House legislation, investigate abuses and violations of the rule of law, and ultimately gain control of the total Congress, the Presidency and state constitutional offices.  The most effective resource to achieve this is the legislative and investigative powers within the House of Representatives.

Defining the “win, win, win” strategy can best be illustrated by example. Let’s hypothesize that the top priority of the House leadership is to investigate collusion of the President with Russian interference in the 2016 election, impeachment, or misdeeds of cabinet members.  Assuming those investigations are successful, these situations are a “win, lose”.  In these investigations the House expended resources with a questionable impact on the 2020 election, it may have satisfied the House’s majority base as a “win”, but alienated and solidified the President’s base and thereby providing a platform for a Presidential media fight, which results in a “lose”, putting the game into the opposition court.  This type of legislative or investigative activity as a primary objective achieves little positive effect in gaining traction with the President’s base or the independent voter and ultimately becomes campaign fodder during the 2020 Presidential campaign.

Rather, look at legislation that deals with issues important to constituents like Obamacare (ACA), a public option health program, climate change, infrastructure job programs, minimum wage, immigration reform, education costs, re-education programs, weapon management, expanded social security/medicare/medicaid, federal election standards etc.  Any of these constituent popular legislative actions, if created and passed in the House, is the first win”.  If the Senate passes it, or kills it, or never schedules it…that is the second “win”.  The Senate members can be labeled obstructionists, remember there are 20 republican Senators up for re-election.  Should the Senate pass the legislation and the President vetoes it, it is another “win” because the President does not care about his base or the public.  Legislative wins or losses in any of these processing steps is a strategic “win, win, win” for the democrats.  Given a choice I would always opt for the “win,win,win” strategy rather than nail someone in an investigation.  I do not mean to say it should be ignored but should be relegated to a lower priority. Remember, the objective is to get votes from constituents, the other party, and independent voters.

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One more observation.  It would be interesting to see candidates seeking office in 2020 who left or were forced out of their public service positions by the current administration.

And then there is the Supreme Court, but that is another paper.




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