In my estimation there are two emotions that are the underpinnings of  human actions.  These emotions are GREED and FEAR!  From biblical times to present day politics, “greed and fear” have survived and drive their personal decision-making process.  In ancient times, according to the New Testament, Judas received 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus, and just before the betrayal he kissed Jesus.  In contemporary politics the “Judas Congress” have received their 30 campaign bitcoins before betraying and then kissing seniors, boomers, the poor, the sick, children, students and the middle class, all of whom are going to be led to their financial cruxification in a multitude of ways.

Let me explain how the Republican Tax Reform Bill satisfies the Greed and Fear emotions for those bill endorsing congressional members.  GREED, from the standpoint that corporations and the .1% will reach deep into their pockets to finance the re-election of those responsible for their tax gifts and FEAR, because those members of congress who voted for the Bill will never have to fear being primaried by their party.  There is an election in 2018!



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