Has anyone ever asked you “What plans do you have to celebrate Constitution Day/Citizenship Day?” Most likely you never heard of it. Constitution Day, which is not a national holiday, but a day of national observance is acknowledged each year on September 17th and commemorates the signing of the Constitution in 1787.

I suggest that “Constitution Day” be converted into a national holiday, renamed “We the People…” Day and celebrated on the first Tuesday of November. This simple act would increase awareness of the Constitution and its significance today as it did over two centuries ago. The Constitution, the keystone of our democratic republic, established the structure of the federal government, defined the powers of the three branches, and outlined the rights and freedoms of American citizens. Every citizen knows the Constitution as a symbol of American identity and values.

Converting Constitution Day into a national holiday, renaming it “We the People…” Day and celebrating it as the federal election day has multiple benefits. It would render identity to and increase awareness of the Constitution and its significance to all Americans. Today many Americans are unaware of the contents of the Constitution and its relevance to their daily lives. By making Constitution Day a national holiday, people will have an opportunity to reflect on the principles and values enshrined in the Constitution and understand how they shape the American democracy.

Secondly, “We the People…” Day will promote civic engagement and encourage Americans to participate in the democratic process. By celebrating “We the People… ” the same day as the federal election, Americans will be reminded of the importance in shaping the future of the country by voting and engaging in civic discourse.

And finally, a “We the People…” Day, coinciding with the federal election day, can serve as a unifying force for the nation. In a time of increasing political polarization and division, celebrating the Constitution can remind Americans of their shared values and identity. By focusing on the principles of the Constitution rather than political ideology, “We the People…” Day can help bridge the divide between Americans and promote national unity.

The “We the People…” Day is a federal holiday concept whose time has come!!



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