There is a concept I would like to share.  In over four score plus years observing individuals in our society, I have come to the conclusion that there is a behavioral chromosome that has yet to be recognized within the psychiatric community.  This theorical chromosome is within each of us and I call it the “UBER ALLES CHROMOSOME”, abbreviated as “UAC”. It governs our behavior in such a way that it makes a single objective/characteristic the focus of our personal drive obsessively and prioritizes it above all other goals real, personal or imaginary. That objective then drives our personality, life priorities and interpersonal relationships as to what we do, how we act and how we relate to others.  Those obsessed with an abnormal uber alles condition act irrationally in order to achieve their uber alles objectives/desires.  Normally, a manifested uber alles behavior characteristic is acted out and then we generally move on to the next uber alles objective in our lives. Under the influence of a UAC, all the individual’s attention, actions and energy are directed towards fulfilling the desire to achieve that uber alles objective.  Generally speaking, priorities changes as we progress through our life cycle.  They are both time and situational oriented.  A normal behavioral UAC is part of our psyche from early childhood to our deathbed and the specific objectives vary greatly among individuals.  As an example lets examine UAC behavior over a typical life span, as a young child if might be little league, as a teen-the opposite sex, as a young adult-education, as an adult-job advancement, security, family, health, children, home, wealth, retirement, social standing, etc.  If you think about this with respect to your personal life cycle, you will recognize that there are many varied UAC events during our lives and we transition normally from one uber alles to another.  There are some situations where in abnormal uber alles conditions people get stuck on one UAC  and could remain there for years, if not forever.  As examples, just look at some political personalities.  Those who want power and control uber alles,  being admired by others uber alles, media exposure uber alles, being great and always winning uber alles, cutting “entitlements” uber alles, a little humor uber alles, my political party uber alles, the boss uber alles, telling lies and so it goes. 

Well there you have my assessment of a behavioral characteristic we have seen in a number of personalities and within ourselves.  I hope this helps explain some of the actions of others we observe and gives us insight as to their behavioral character.  Thank you for permitting me to share this with you.


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