“…the triumph of evil…”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”  Edmund Burke (1729-97)

“…when presidential ego and self preservation are more important than national security–then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil”    2020 Adm. McRaven Ret.

When the representative members of a Democratic Republic place their principle loyalties to themselves, their party, and a narcissic leader, then that Democratic Republic is confronted with “good people” becoming the enablers of “evil”.

Today that “evil” is dismantling a 240 year old democracy and resurrecting a 90 year old foreign dictatorship.  Does history repeat itself?  YES, when good people do nothing!

There does remains an opportunity to save the Republic, and that is the November general election.  The outcome of that election can restore the balance of power in the government and resuscitate democracy. Recently fifty-three Republican Senators had the opportunity to conduct an investigative judiciary process in order to gain information on how far this democracy has traveled toward evil.  Those Republican Senators chose not to seek the truth.  Of the thirty five Senate seats to be contested in the November election, there will be twenty three Republican Senate seats in contention. Those twenty three Republican Senate seats are represented by twenty three people who for whatever motive moved this country toward an evil dictatorship. Just review the presidential actions over the past several weeks.  

The people of this great nation can make the choice, Democracy or Dictatorship.  They can personally and financially support challenging candidates that represent their interest.  The future of democracy rests with citizen involvement!  Below is the list of Republican Senators who are up for re-election in November, they have violated their constitutional oaths, their honor to G-D, country, liberty and justice, having sacrificed their personal integrity and souls.  

AK  SULLIVAN          KS   ROBERTS             OK   INHOFE

AR  COTTON             KY   McCONNELL          SC   GRAHAM

AZ  McSALLY            LA   CASSIDY              SD   ROUNDS     

CO  GARDNER          ME  COLLINS              TN   ALEXANDER


GA  PERDUE             MT  DAINES              WV   CAPITO  

IA   ERNST              NC   TILLIS               WY   ENZI

ID   RISCH              NE   SASSE


Gil Eisner 2/28/20 dollarbillbrigade.com

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