All races engage in racism.  Once the skin trademark of our body is set aside we are all the same.  The difference between us is our mindset of which we are the sole owners. Since the beginning of time one group of Neanderthal or the advanced homo-sapient has always tried to control, dominate, enslave, the other tribe, village, group, and/or race.  Today we’ve come a long way as homo-sapiens but we still carry this dominating gene and it’s time to do some gene editing.   

As we engage in a cultural revolution with the contemporary Black Lives Matter movement we have to open our eyes and minds to the fact that racism is inherent to all races and like the pandemic you cannot treat one case without treating all cases and eventually the cause.

There is a recent example of this situation.  As millions of people, young and old of all persuasions gathered in the streets collectively with the Black Life Matters movement to demonstrate, a Fourth of July TV commentary from Louis Farrakhan, the Black religious leader of the Nation of Islam, was broadcast on a channel owned and promoted by a prominent Black songwriter and rapper.  The broadcasted message was nothing more than a racist rant where Farrakhan referred to Jews as “termites”, accused Jews of having been behind the slave trade, denied the Holocaust, and stated that Jews were Satan. Of course, it didn’t stop there, there was additional hate-mongering in the message.  Many prominent Blacks have publicly supported or admired the Farrakhan Fourth of July commentary.  

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When an individual practices racism, that’s a singular personal situation and generally confined to that individual’s sole environment. It’s another matter when a racist propagandist gains power through the support of community leaders, sports figures, and multimillionaires. That entices millions to become supporters of the racist’s cause through admiration, endorsement, or association.  That is when individualistic personal racism takes on another dimension.

When we fight collectively or individually, for equality and justice, it should be believed that fight must be applied wherever racism, inequality, and injustice exist.  When that doesn’t happen each of us must look in the mirror and ask, “am I part of the problem or part of the solution?” That’s a question only you can answer!  If we are not smart enough to make the necessary changes in our mindset, we are doomed to the same mindset in the future generations of homo-future.



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