A recent political cartoon made a powerful and important point.  Although many members of Congress have shared their concerns at this time of the complexities of impeachment, I believe the Democratic House has a legislative responsibility to deal both with public issues like health care, climate change, jobs, taxes, immigration, etc., and they also have the responsibility to educate the public about the fact that no one is above the law, including the President of the United States.  
The cartoon pointed out the education value of the investigative hearing process of impeachment by the fact that public interest in the Nixon impeachment increased from 19% after two years of  media news to 57% after Congressional hearings.  A real show of how the investigative hearing education affects public interest.  
Impeachment is a two step process, the investigative and the trial, both are important and they have their own relative value.  An  inherent benefit of the impeachment hearing processes is that they cannot be stonewalled by an administration.  Nixon’s impeachment never reached the stage of a Senate trial.  I’m sure we could agree to the fact that a Democratic House can both educate and legislate!



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