The Trumpian era of governance must be viewed through a Twilight Zone prism in order to understand the alternate reality of our government. Is it perception or reality?.  So let’s take a stroll through the lookin glass to share the perception of this alternate reality.

We begin with the presidency.  The administration is no longer the executive branch of government, it has become the kingdom of the Child King.  The Child King has surrounded himself with members of his royal family because of their loyalty and their trusted advise.  Members of the royal court (sometimes referred to as the royal jesters) have been selected because of their loyalty, their financial/political contacts, and their ability to tell the king how beautiful his new robes fit.  The Child King wants to be loved by all those who chose him to be king. So every day the king from his secure perch sends a tweeting bird message out to make the peasants happy.  The Child King would like to make as much money he can from all his friends and those who seek his favor, and have his name known throughout Oz.  Now at times it may appear inappropriate for the Child King to accept such money and favors, so the Child King owns the local Pub, Inn  and country club, and the royal family has many trinkets and products available for purchase.  The Child King wants all the native peasants to love him and speak well about him and his kingdom.  So if you are not a native you must leave the kingdom or if you speak ill of the king, you are tweeted or sentenced to the “fake news” prison.  Occasionally, the Child King signs a proclamation to help and make his friends happy.  And so the story of the Child King continues to 2020!

Now let’s take a look at our corporate Congress.  Picture Congress as a Corporation.  Two separate units each with a CEO/COO, and two separate Boards of Directors.  Both units are charged with the management of corporate income (taxes) and the administration of its products (defense, salaries, pensions, benefits, services, etc.).  Each Board of Directors is  elected by a large body of “people”.  Some of those “people” pay more income(taxes) to the corporation than the rest of the “people” who vote.  Since it takes a lot of money to run as a director, some higher taxed “people” (htp) invest in financially helping directors win by providing  money to their election effort and those “people” are classified as “shareholders”.  Now as shareholders the htp “people” anticipate that someday they will see a dividend for their investment in financially helping the directors.  So the directors and the CEO/COOs are always trying to find a means to please their shareholders by paying a dividend in the form of lower taxes specifically for them or by changing some rules that govern their profits, or both.   Let’s just call this “POLITICAL CAPITALISM” or payback in action!.  One major problem the Congressional Corporation has is it runs a deficit, since it spends more than its income. Consequently, the corporate units must be creative in finding a way to develop a “surplus” resulting in tax benefits (dividends) to the shareholders. This has to be done without those funds being used to reduce the deficit.  Creativity has never been a problem for the management of this Corporation.  When one analyzes how to achieve a goal of “creating” and paying a shareholder dividend there are only a few available methods i.e. adjust the tax rates, cut the products, or cut those products where shareholder taxes are used to support those services wholly or partially.  Of course there are others means, but the best one selected by the folks in power is cutting an unpopular program called Obamacare.  Now that in itself will pay a dividend to some htp but doesn’t go far enough.  So one needs to look further for the best way to find additional stuff to cut.  Now the best criteria for that purpose are programs funded by direct taxes, those which anticipate large future increases in clients served and scope, serves a cliental that doesn’t vote and surely are not in the shareholder category.  A program category which meets the criteria and has a cliental that is poor, young, old and disabled and is expanding in numbers and scope is called Medicaid.  Since Obamacare and Medicaid share a common programmatic base the appropriate rouse to achieve the desired dividends to the htp is to say Obamacare has failed and we must “remove and replace” it and all that is associated with it.  Eureka!!!, the Board of Directors found the perfect program area to cut in order to pay its htp shareholders a significant dividend which is close to a trillion dollars.  As long as the current congressional units are controlled by this set of Directors it will reward their shareholders with dividends uber alles from Medicaid via Obamacare!

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