2014 is the tipping point for United States’ democracy.  Signs are already pointing to the fact that money will determine who buys and owns Congress for at least the next two years. During that time irreparable damage can be done to democracy and the Republic.  This will dependent upon which party controls both houses of Congress, and by what numbers, in which case the presidency will mean nothing.  Womens’ rights, immigration, civil rights, health issues, social security, medicare, budgets, taxation, environmental issues, minimum wage, national parks, unemployment insurance, company pensions, education, are just a few of the issues that will be in play.

Let me explain. If both houses of Congress pass “destructive” legislation which the President vetoes, that legislative presidential veto can be overwritten by a 2/3 majority vote in each house, the legislation becomes law!

Telltale signs have already been experienced.  For example, voter suppression legislation in a number of states, tens of millions of dollars being spent on congressional races even before candidate filing periods ends, outside money like the kind spent in the 13th congressional district in Florida which was greater than that spent by the successful candidate.

Let me conclude, it really doesn’t matter if you lean left or right, eventually you will be controlled by the 1% which will have bought Congress and will have taken away your freedom, democracy and country.  The time to become involved is NOW. Tomorrow is too late.  I ask the question, “Do you want to buy a latte or save your democracy?”

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