THE KILLER AT 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE.  Co-located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. is the coven of the Trump Zombie Political Cult.  Science, sensibility, and truth are nonexistent commodities at this location.  The success of the killer and the cult’s actions can be measured by the tens of millions of COVID-19 infected Americans and the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans who are approaching in total, a number that is greater than all the wars since the Civil War.  This could have been avoided.  Then there’s the tens of thousands of sanctuary seeking families, separated and jailed in dog pens at the border.  Or perhaps the paid for deaths of our military sons and daughters with a foreign ‘kill’ bounty on their heads while kisses are thrown to the leader of that foreign country by the cult.  And the list goes on…

But the cult is not alone, they are augmented by the Republican Capitol Hill Mob and the minion of millions whose brains have been devoured by the flesh-eating cult leader. Like all cults, members have found in their association all that they desire…money, power, position, absolute answers, acceptance, authoritarian leadership, exclusiveness, etc. There is no explanation for their lack of action on legislation, their undermining of congressional norms, or their lack of performing their Constitutional duties.  These are just a few of the items reflecting that these people are morally corrupt representatives and staffers who have engaged in committing political malpractice.

Like the pandemic, the leadership cult infection extends far beyond the confines of Washington, D.C.  Many governors, secretaries of state, and key legislators have joined and supported the cult for its powers.  They control the state’s grassroots implementation of federal political malpractice.  They too determine who lives, and who dies as well as who votes (redistricting will be accomplished in 2021).

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Cult membership, lying, and stupidity are not substitutes for leadership.  There is only one way to stop this sociopathic infestation in our governments and that is to rid these people of their power by voting them out of office, or otherwise, the consequences are the loss of our liberty and democracy.  The choice is yours by voting in November and insisting on controlled mail-in ballots.


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